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Code repository: coronavirusdashboard

This page documents the motivation and the process behind building a webapp using COVID-19 data.

App :


If you are here for the code, its visible on this repository

Why I built this?

I built this web app with the motivation of visualizing the data that’s easy to read and user friendly. At the time of when I started building this webapp, there were not many relevent sources except JHU. My goal was to provide insights on coronavirus and help people with information.


Here are some insights on death rate, recovery rate and population infection rate by countries.

Raw Data:

You can explore the raw data from here

Data sources

The data is updated from Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering JHU CSSE repository and hosted on JHU CSSE updates the data about twice daily.

Additionally, the total counts are updated every hour from

Tech Stack

  • Flutter Web
  • Github pages
  • Python
  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • Google Maps API
  • FontAwesome
  • Windows.bat scripts

Designing the User Interface

Borrowed some ideas form Material Design Philosophy. Flutter widgets provide some ready to use interfaces that’s aesthetically pleasing.

issues faced while building

  • The data source needed to be normalized as there were some missing values.
  • The UI framework, flutter web, is still a beta product. I had to use a nontraditional way of implementing maps.
  • The UI needed to be tuned to be used in desktop and mobiles. Making it universally compatible was a challenge.

Future Plans

  • Add map plot (added 3/8)
  • Add time-series data (3/10)
  • Look into more data sources
  • Improve upon UI
  • Attempt to build an android app using the same source.
  • Add statistics by demography

Project timeline

  • 3/6, built the API
  • 3/7, finished creating an initial site.
  • 3/8, added Google Map plot for coronavirus data
  • 3/10 Add time-series data
  • 3/12Incorporated external dashboards