TLDR: Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool made by Google. It is popular and feature rich.
What is Kubernetes and why we should use it?
Kubernetes is Google’s solution to cloud management. Kubernetes automates or “orchestrates” managing containers. So far in the container game Docker seems to be the most popular choice. Yet, Docker has been behind their orchestration solution where Kubernetes shine. There are quite a few orchestration tools including Google’s Container Engine and Kubernetes, Docker’s Swarm, CoreOS’s Fleet, Amazon’s ECS, Microsoft’s Azure Container Service. While, all orchestration tools have their pros and cons, Kubernetes comes out on top in terms of compatibility with platforms and popularity.
Features: Why we should use it.
When asked “What feature from one of your competitor’s platforms would you like to have?’ A Docker Swarm representative said, “The feature set is what I like from Kubernetes - that’s why Pearson decided to go with them; it’s is those rich features: you have daemon sets, you have replication, you have now [pet sets] and they constantly add a lot of features”. Kubernetes is a feature rich platform for lack of a better term. Here are feature sets I found. Some of them I am not fully familiar with. The features of Kubernetes go back to three main categories. From Kuberetes home page, “Kubernetes is - Portable, Extensible, and Self-healing”
Config map resource: key value pair makes configuration easier
Community driven: Scale of popularity and the nature of open source project makes it easy to get support, request new features, or even add new features on your own if you feel brave. Community support is available on.
Made by Google! They arguably have the most complex infrastructure and efficient infrastructure. Google made it and using it to manage their infrastructure.
Scalable: Can grow and shrink easily. Has features like load balancing, creating and destroying containers, health checking built into the core.
Portable/Compatible: Can integrate a combination of services. You could have one container/node/pod running in open stack and another one on AWS and it should work seamlessly.
Cons: What is lacking?
These cons don’t necessarily mean that we shouldn’t be using Kubernetes because of these issues. But rather, something we should be paying attention to while using Kubernetes.
- Security: In a question regarding security someone from kubernetes says “I would say that there’s no surprise that there are a number of companies that spawned around Kube and one of the free leading features they sell would be the security scanning of the container system. It would be the UI, and the last would be the authentication authorization layer. I think that by default, that was something that was certainly lacking within Kube. It was not something that was at the forefront of the development model, but because they essentially mirrored the service account model that they use within Google Cloud, they know that they have the architecture to do that.” This gives me the impression that Kubernetes has a few security holes that 3rd party is converging for. However, this beauty of open source is that if there is one problem, there is a fleet community with multiple solution for the problem.
Questions to consider before moving to Kubernetes
Questions to consider before moving to Kubernetes based infrastructure for application:
Are they cloud-native?
Are they containerized?
Are they in a position that you can transfer them into containers?
How is the configuration set?
How is looking at your data?
How is your data managed? The persistency of your data.
How do we work with our deployment pipeline?
How do we work with our bill pipeline?
How much overhead goes into deploying, maintaining and managing application infrastructure?
Philosophy of Kubernetes:
Decouple: Divide application to the smallest atomic structure and put them in a separate container. Ex: If you have an nginx that serves a web page and a service that pulls from a git repo to sync the pages. You should put these two services in separate container.
Move away from host-centric to container-centric infrastructure by cutting the cord to physical and virtual machine.
Homogenous machine fleet: all the instance of an application that Kubernetes creates should look and feel exactly the same. So if one of the container dies, your application just sees that there are slightly less computational power available in the pool.
Container: A area where an application runs isolated from a system.
Orchestration: Allows management of containers. Container is really good at modulating your application. But there is a limit to how much it can scale. Container can’t think outside the kernel. A containerized system may be limited to a machine, maybe a network, may be an ecosystem (Think of AWS or OpenStack). Orchestration pushes this limit further by allowing your containers to run on a different system.
Node/Master: Each individual machine. Master is the controller of all the fleets of nodes.
Pod: Containers are grouped into pods. Will need to look up how you group things.
Kubelet: runs on each node.
Other Resources:
StackOverflow Look for solution to problems here.
Github “Tier 2 support”
Google Groups In depth discussion of Kubernetes features and future roadmap.
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